Saturday, April 2, 2011

This, of course, is hardly new

This, of course, is hardly new. Indeed, most new technologies go through an early phase where those who designed and those who are charged with selling the technology try to dictate how it should be used. Over a century ago, Alexander Graham Bell was using his newly patented electrical speech machine or telephone as a broadcast device, something which would allow people living in Boston to hear a Mozart symphony being played in New York City.

Later, when the telephone’s excellence at two way communication was established, many objected to its use for anything other MBT Tembea,than business – something as frivolous as having a chat being seen as deeply reprehensible. This disapproval, of course, suggests that people were using telephones for social conversation, rather than what the technology supplier thinks they ought to do. In the end the customer won. The customer always does.

Ironically, when radio was first invented it was seen primarily as a tool for two-way, one-to-one communications, a use MBT Tataga,that – baring military walkie-talkies and the like – only became mainstream with the recent growth of cellular communications. Its killer application became broadcast. 

Home computers provide another example. Initially, the market for such devices was seen to be vanishingly small. After all, who needed to run a payroll at home? Nevertheless, the home computer flourished – despite often, a MBT Sinigreat deal of contempt from real computer people at the frivolous uses to which it was put. Indeed, it is only in the past couple of years that the mainstream uses of home computers have been accepted by the IT mainstream – purely because the hunger for a better quality gaming experience has driven technological development in ways that most business applications can never hopefully do.

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