Sunday, April 10, 2011

Women entrepreneurs, in particular

Women entrepreneurs, in particular, are guilty of this mistake. Why? Because women mistakenly think they're being “nice" by not telling someone what to do.

Come on, ladies! We know we're capable of being in charge, giving directions, and even acting downright bossy. We do it all the time running our households. So, let's not pretend we don't know how to step up powerfully in the same way when it comes to telling our prospective clients to get themselves in gear and hire us!

Here are four simple tips for creating your compelling offer:

Internet Marketing Tip #1: Make the offer appealing.Most offers are bland. A strong offer includes a compelling reason for your listener or reader Nike Shox Sale, to act now. For example, in an email promoting your program or product, swap out the plain vanilla "Click here to learn more" for "Why wait when you can get started right away? Get your free report instantly when you click here now!"

Internet Marketing Tip #2: Inject enthusiasm.Don't let your fear of sounding cheesy get in the way of creating excitement. The trick for women entrepreneurs is to stay ultra-focused on benefits: What happens for your reader when they DO take action? Nike Shox NZ,Conversely, what pitfall awaits them if they hesitate?

Internet Marketing Tip #3: Create urgency.Don't groan at the thought that this is a coy trick. It's not. Urgency works because people are crazy-busy, and it's only the fact that they're about to lose out on an opportunity that gets their attention. People also put off making decisions. By giving them a cut-off date you're helping them discover clearly what they want (which this marketing coach believes is a valuable service).

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