Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Internet is under siege

The Internet is under siege. Businesses large and small are determined to find new ways to use the Net, and new technologies MBT Sawa Shoes to add to it, that they might somehow wring massive profits from the vast potential customer base it represents. Two approaches dominate, derived from traditional retailing, and from the mass media.We know about making money by entertaining and informing people, say the media moguls. Surely we can graft our experience on to this digital world and make money from it too?

We know about making money by selling things to people, say the retail giants. Surely we can make even more money if we can reduce inventory and staffing costs with a virtual store, while simultaneously reaching a MBT Changa Shoesbigger market?

Noticeably on both these approaches is that they are based on supply rather than demand. In other words, businesses are saying. I’ve got something I want you to buy. Ironically, the general trend of most management thinking in recent years has been away from this model, to one which is demand driven, or, put simply, businesses saying; Let me help you get what you want.

This move towards a customer focused model is strikingly absent in most e-business discussions. Instead, we get what can almost be seen as a MBT Shoes Cheap,paternalistic approach – even colonial – where businesses try to impose e-business models on their customers rather than responding to their explicit wants and needs.

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