Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The infrastructure itself is very expensive

The infrastructure itself is very expensive. The market for rockets and other aerospace products are very unstable and the current IT infrastructures of aerospace projects may not be able to support further expansion due to financial constraint.Next, one should not forsake the value of Enterprise Resource Planning. This is commonly known as ERP. This includes project management and building a system that allows integration of many departments. It is this concept that actually led to the birth of the World Wide Web or Internet. There has to be constant update of tools and management processes using ERP. Customer Relationship Management is also a key area in measuring the metrics of an aerospace facility. It is essential to manage spare parts, depots, remote services, and repairs.Next, the use of information should be measured. In the Industrial Age, raw materials were transformed into goods that people needed. That is how business earned before. In the Information Age, raw materials transformed into goods are not really the essential of management. What matters is that raw information should be transformed into useful information.Another issue that should be looked into in aerospace technology and management is the current defense system of the country. Every breach of security is expensive. Other than this, without gearing towards aerospace technology, the country may be weakening its defense if other countries are improving their aerospace military tactics and tools.People must realize that developing an aerospace scorecard is an essential part of the “Rocket World”. Without considerable efforts in keeping abreast with current standards, there is a danger in “rocketing” the country down to its demise. There has to be a significant measurement process that will align everyone in the goals and perspectives of the aerospace facility form the CEO down to the rank and file employees. Article

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