Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Declining prices and margins. Decaying sales

Declining prices and margins. Decaying sales. Unprofitable customers. Lackluster market performance. Does your company suffer from these maladies? The solution to these may not be spending more money on advertising, Christian Dior Sunglasses replacing the VP of sales and the rest of the sales force, or further cutting costs. No, the answer may lie somewhere else entirely and if recognized and addressed, may resolve all of these symptoms.

The problem may actually lie in the way that your products and services are designed, developed, delivered, and refined. Who drives these activities? Is it Engineering? Management? Support? Sales? If the customer is not in the driver's seat, your revenues, profits, and even your company may be at risk.

The problem may well lie in the fact that companies don't understand their customers what they need, want, and most especially, what they are willing to pay for. Without this understanding, companies do not know what products/services to offer, or how to market and sell to prospects.

The only way to guarantee increased revenues, Replica Oakley Sunglasses,stronger, longer, and more profitable customer relationships is to center strategic decision'making on actionable customer insight.

1.1 Symptoms

Some of the symptoms that companies face that are operating without sufficient customer insight include:

* Declining margins and prices Price and margin are excellent measures of a company's ability to make its value proposition successful in the market. Too many companies do not recognize when the market no longer values its offerings and resort to price cuts or other margin-cutting promotions

* Decaying Sales A company out of synch with changed customer needs will suffer as sales decay. When customers are harder to find and sales are more difficult the reason is often than a company has not driven customer knowledge far enough into the company processes. Adapting everything a company does from product development to core metrics of business health to customer value is a key strategy to reinvigorate a company's economic engine.

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