Wednesday, April 13, 2011

As an added extra

As an added extra, why not supply the reader with some bonus material you have located to give added value to your e-book; this is always appreciated. Your bonus material could include a small report (just write two or three additional articles), Christian Dior Sunglasses,checklists, or add templates. The bonus material should really have a value all of its own and be directly related to the topic of the e-book.

Dress for Success. Is that irrelevant in today's business world? How much importance do we place on "dressing up"' for work? Well I think in some instances - not enough.

What message does your image send? Do you feel confident in the way you present visually through what you wear? It seems that there is still a lot of confusion in the work place about how we should dress. I read a posting recently on small business website Flying Solo which detailed one guy's dilemma about what to wear to a client interview and possible photo shoot. To wear a tie or not to? Well the reaction from the comments Replica Oakley Sunglasses,posted were varied, from "I wear a funny bowtie to break the ice"' to "my best suit"' to "who cares?"'

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