Friday, April 1, 2011

It is your very own PR representative

It is your very own PR representative. So use it to illustrate your achievements and demonstrate your success! The Structure CV’s need to include the following sections, and preferably in the following order: 1 - Personal Details 2 - Educational Details, including your qualifications 3 - Any other, relevant Qualifications 4 - Work History – which should be focused around responsibilities and key achievements 5 - Any Bvlgari Sunglasses other, relevant skills 6 - Details of References The Language Ah, the language! This is where the power of your CV lies! You need to make the language you use in your CV work for you! Draw out your abilities with concrete examples, and minimise your weaknesses.

The two examples below illustrate how to do this! Example 1 – Drawing out your abilities Original line in CV – ‘Recruitment and day to day management of junior staff’ Amended line in CV to draw out abilities – ‘Management of a designated group of staff, including: - Twice daily staff briefings - Daily target settings - Continuous encouragement to achieve - Ensuring a high level of customer care, including Versace Sunglasses, complaint resolution - Effectively managing conflict - Carrying out the entire recruitment process for all junior members of staff - Ensuring all training requirements for the staff were met And under the ‘Achievements’ heading for the role above: - Successfully recruiting several members of staff for all departments and fulfilling all their training requirements Example 2 – Minimising your weaknesses Original line in CV –

The following GCSE results obtained: - Double English – CC - Mathematics – D - Double Science – DD - French – E - Music – C - History – D - Religious Education – E - Home Economics - B Amended line in CV to minimise weaknesses – ‘10 GCSE grades B – E obtained, including English Literature and Language, Mathematics and Biology, Chemistry and Physics’. By following the basic rules above, ensuring a coherent structure and realizing the power of language, you can very easily pull together a first class CV that you can use Armani Sunglasses to silently sell yourself to a future employer! And don’t forget, small, quick amendments every now and then will keep your CV up to date, and save you buckets of time in the future!! Good Luck!

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