Friday, April 1, 2011

That's the beauty of this concept

That's the beauty of this concept. You simply invite prospects into your funnel and they will naturally move up the funnel on their own, without effort on your end. The best part of this is Oakley Sunglasses, this process feels AUTHENTIC to you AND to them. Your content does the work, and they don't feel the sales pressure. Remember: people like to buy; but they don't like to be sold.

All your F.R.E.E. irresistible offers are created to lead people to your ezine or other stay-in-touch marketing vehicles, where you continue to add high-content, high value over time. This builds the trust and the credibility, positioning you as their problem solver.

The goal is to consistently fill the pipeline, getting it bigger and bigger over time, continually stocking the pond with ideal clients who self-select and move themselves up the ladder Carrera Sunglasses, of the services you provide. THAT is what I call 'pulling' clients in and you're going to love how easy it is.

Your Assignment This Week:

Begin thinking about what your prospects would do-anything and pay-anything to learn or experience from you. Then, create an Irresistible Offer around that, giving them high content but not the entire 'how' and put it in your marketing materials. Set up systems for getting that F.R.E.E. Police Sunglasses, offer to your prospects with no effort on your part and watch the leads come in, day after day. You won't believe how easy it is to fill your pipeline effortlessly and authentically!

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