Saturday, April 2, 2011

Clean Up Your Desk

6. Clean Up Your Desk

There are two ways that eliminating clutter can contribute to relaxation. Firstly, signs of clutter are generally perceived MBT Kimondo GTX,by the mind as a distraction and, at times, even an omen for more trouble at work. Banish them from your sight and you'll relax more easily.

Now, the act of clearing out clutter in itself can be just as relaxing. If you're feeling particularly stressed, try to contribute a few minutes of your time to straightening your desk, even if the only thing you can do for now is arranging your papers and throwing out scraps. This is another symbolic procedure and wherein your mind equates throwing out rubbish to getting rid of your stress.

Clutter in your PC desktop, by the way, can be used for and benefit from the same procedure.

7. Wear Headphones

Use it either to listen to relaxing music or block out ambient noise. Either way, it puts distractions at bay and enables you to work in a more conducive setting. Of course, make sure you let your boss know that your plugged ears will also prevent you from hearing him call your name. But as a pair of headphones can improve your productivity in a long way, your boss surely has little reason to complain.

8. Use a Portable Fan

Sometimes, your office's ventilation system just isn't enough to keep yourself comfortably cool. For such instances, have a portable fan ready. Switch it on when your body - and maybe your temper, too - need cooling. Close your eyes and enjoy the breeze. When you open your eyes, you're sure to feel much better.

9. Have a Fountain Nearby

It doesn't have to be exceptionally big or expensive. A simple one won't cost you more than $20, and in return, you'll be soothed by the MBT Chapa,pleasant sound of running water. Put it in use with your portable fan, and you can close your eyes and imagine you're in the beach or cradled in Mother Nature's arms somewhere else.

10. Read a Travel Book

It would be wonderful if you had the money, time, or ability to transport yourself to your dream destination for a few minutes to relax and unwind. And when you're feeling calm, you can go back to work in a second and be more productive. While this is virtually impossible to do, nothing can stop your mind from traveling with a handy travel book nearby. Read about your favorite places when you're MBT Changa Cork,  feeling stressed and in a matter of pages, you're ready to face your work again with a smile.

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