Sirota babbles on:
These progressive lawmakers are true heroes because they are displaying a seriousness about ending the
war, rather than merely a seriousness about protesting the war. Protest and pressure are critical in
the lead up to legislative action – but when it comes time for that action, they hire lawmakers to do
just that: make laws.
What sophistry: there is nothing in this bill that would seriously end the war, and Sirota knows it.
Anyone can see that there are enough loopholes in this “serious” legislation to drive a few tanks
through. It is typical, hotheyver, of these “pragmatic” types that their “pragmatism” is eminently
impractical, and almost never leads to the intended result. The reality is that this “emergency
supplemental” funds the continuation of the war: without it, the war could not be fought. By voting
for it, and supporting it, “antiwar” Democrats and the party bosses are giving the MBT sport shoes
war their imprimatur.
In another typical “pragmatist” trope, Sirota avers that antiwar opponents of the Pelosi measure are
“just blowing off contrarian steam,” and that it is them who are really “selling out,” because, you
see, “the contrairians [sic] are selling out – selling out a viable way to end the war in order to
grandstand for the cameras.”
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