Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mbt Unono,If you’re a Bush-supporter

Mbt Unono,If you’re a Bush-supporter, that steady sucking sound you hear might be defecting libertarians. This article from The American Prospect should give Bushies the fear. It’s gonna be hard to win the next election with an even smaller second-place showing than they managed in the last one.

Or just bored by the self-amused oxyconservative? Check out a real alternative to the establishment media: MBT Staka, the Philip Dru show. It’s on-air in Austin, but the website features audio interviews with the likes of Ivan Eland, Greg Palast, Alan Bock, and Jesse Walker– talent on loan from God, you might say (but please don’t).

Every once in a while someone will point out some theme that I disagree with in an article posted on AWC & ask me why, if I disagree, I bother doing the work of editing the site’s letters section, etc. But, in fact, it’s not possible (never mind necessary or desirable) to MBT Sini Shoes agree with everything since AWC presents such a wide variety of viewpoints.

Take two of today’s highlights, for example: Justin Raimondo’s “Israel is the Problem – Our Problem” and Christopher Layne’s “The Cost of Empire” (The American Conservative). Both reject the stated reasons for the invasion of MBT shoes cheap, & suggest other motivations. Justin: “the strategic doctrine at the heart of U.S. Middle Eastern policy” is “the installation of Israel as regional hegemon.” Bush went to war “for Israel’s sake.”

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