Sunday, March 27, 2011

There are some who still contend that Saddam Hussain did indeed have all these mobile weapons laboratories

There are some who still contend that Saddam Hussain did indeed have all these mobile weapons laboratories and

that they may still be hidden away — in fact, the NIKE SHOX is currently offering rewards for information of

the whereabouts of MBT Ema Sandals’s WMD — but how do you hide a rail car? You can’t just drive it off into

someone’s garage and close the door. You can’t sneak it over the border into another country in the dead of

night even during a sandstorm without someone noticing a train moving across. And with all the satellite and

overflight photographs, you can’t bury it out in the desert and then bulldoze up miles of railroad track so

they can’t be followed. So, where are the railcars?

Is it just me who believes we need to dredge up all of these “intelligence” sources and their handlers and get

some heads rolling? They lied, and thousands died.

In order to maintain troop levels in MBT Ema Sandals, stop-loss and stop-movement orders are preventing those

who would choose to leave the military from doing so, adding to the strain on families where both husband and

wife are soldiers and facing separations of as long as two years.

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