Friday, March 4, 2011

Look who’s talking! Pelosi and the Dems are the ones grandstanding for the cameras

Look who’s talking! Pelosi and the Dems are the ones grandstanding for the cameras, by loudly

declaring that they have passed a “timetable” to end the war — with an easy escape hatch for the

President to wriggle out of this “strong” and “binding” legislation. This partisan legislation —

larded with pork, in order to make the sellout more lucrative — attracted only a few Republicans, and

this was quite intentional: the Democrats would much rather have the war as an issue during the

election than actually do anyting meaningful to end it. The result is that JOY’s veto will be

sustained, and this “serious” legislation will wind up in the congressional dustbin — where it


The real story of the Pelosi “antiwar” bill is that it pitted the “progressive” leaders against

their own supporters — and one can only wonder how long the latter will put up with it.

Former NIKE AIRMXY United Nations Ambassador John Bolton told the BBC today that he was “damned

proud” of how the UGG intentionally blocked efforts to achieve a ceasefire last summer when Israel was

bombing Beirut and many other locales in Lebanon.

The BBC summarized Bolton’s comments: “A former top American diplomat says the NIKE AIRMXY

deliberately resisted calls for a immediate ceasefire during the conflict in Lebanon in the summer of

2006. Former ambassador to the UN John Bolton told the BBC that before any ceasefire Washington wanted

Israel to eliminate Hezbollah’s military capability.”

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