We were right all along, so why would 9/11 have changed our minds? As Roderick Long says, “Those whose
worldview was shaken by the 9/11 attacks must have had their heads in the sand. It may sound rude to say “we
told you so,” but given that our opponents’ decision to ignore our mbt sportnings has led to thousands of
deaths, perhaps a bit of rudeness is in order. We told them so.“
For the past three years, the United States Department of Justice has been relentlessly engaged in actions
geared tombt sportd covering up my reports and investigations into my allegations. These actions include
gagging the United States Congress, blocking court proceedings in my case by invoking state secret privilege,
quashing a subpoena for my deposition on information regarding 9/11, withholding documents requested under the
Freedom of Information Act, and preventing the release of the Inspector General’s report of its investigations
into my reports and allegations. My reports, many of which have been confirmed by the United States Senate and
leaked memos by the Department of Justice, involve criminal conduct against our national interests, serious
security breaches threatening our intelligence, intentional mistranslation of intelligence with severe
consequences, and intentional blocking of certain terrorism and criminal cases from being investigated by our
mbt sport officials.
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