Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Puppet Prime Minister Allawi has announced that nine mbt sport 2i militias have agreed

New Puppet Prime Minister Allawi has announced that nine mbt sport 2i militias have agreed to disband and that the ones not agreeing are “outlawed.” This agreement allegedly includes the Kurdish pershmerga of the KDP and the PMBT Fumba Sandals, which seems odd. Consider the stand-off that currently exists between the position of the Kurds and Sistani:
But while there appeared to be progress in New York, Kurdish Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani warned mbt sport 2’s unity could be at risk if the U.N. resolution did not endorse autonomy granted to Kurds under the present interim constitution.
“We are not bluffing here, we are serious — it’s the right of our people,” Barzani, head of the Kurdistan Regional Government in northern mbt sport 2, told Reuters in an interview.

The latest drMBT chapat does not mention the interim constitution, which includes a clause that would allow Kurds to veto any attempt to encroach on their autonomy in the north.

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