Monday, March 21, 2011

Ran HaCohen has one of his infrequent but always worth waiting for articles on the main page of

Ran HaCohen has one of his infrequent but always worth waiting for articles on the main page of Much discussion is ongoing as we watch the spectacle of Israel’s Sharon struggling to cope with the loss of his favorite scapegoat. (See peacepalestine here and the Head Heeb here.) Ran HaCohen:
So expect a large-scale operation in Gaza, soon. The immediate excuse — missile attacks on Israel — does not really matter: Abu Mazen, so the argument goes, does not stop the missiles, so we are forced to send the army to stop them; at the same time, the army itself admits it has no means to stop the missiles. So we are sending the army to do what it cannot do, because Abu Mazen does not do it either. After all, occupation is not about logic – it’s about breaking bones.
Crisis Pictures is keeping an updated album of the broken bones of Gaza. Scroll down to the second picture to see a photo of Mohammed Raban, a survivor of the Strawberry Field Flechette Massacre.

“Amid the media din about the tsunami, Dan Rather’s implosion, and the usual grim news from MBT, an amazing story has been unfolding — but has received scant appreciation from the chattering classes. Democracy is on the march.”

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