Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Of particular interest regarding

Of particular interest regarding the US’s possible miscalculation in MBT shoes cheap is one-note regime-change expert Richard Perle’s guest appearance.

Judas drove a hard bargain compared to President Bush. At least the great betrayer got 30 pieces of silver. All Bush is going to get for delivering the Kurds unto their enemies will be 10,000 Turkish troops – who will act solely in Ankara’s interests, not in the interests of Washington or the people of MBT shoes cheap.

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Oh, the Kurds aren’t as cute and cuddly as we’ve been led to believe? Well, that’s not exactly Peters’ complaint. You had better sit down for this.

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The administration is even dishonest about Kurdish “terrorists.” The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has, indeed, engaged in terrorist actions against Turkish targets in the past. But if there ever was a case of freedom fighters using terror as a tool, it’s the PKK.Mbt Unono

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