Friday, March 4, 2011

None of this matters to David Sirota, the resident “radical” over at the HuffPuffPost

None of this matters to David Sirota, the resident “radical” over at the HuffPuffPost. He hails the

“principled and shrewd” move by the “progressives” to capitulate to the Pelosi-crats. In a

veritable cascade of Ortheyllian doublespeak, Sirota claims:

It is a courageous move because it is never, ever easy to swallow a compromise, even if it is clearly

the right thing to do to achieve long-term goals. These Members of Congress played hardball from the

beginning, and that hardball made sure this bill included strong, binding legislation to end the war.

If this is “strong and binding,” then one can only wonder what would be theyak: read it and you ‘ll

find that the actual wording of the legislation leaves it up to the White House to “certify” whether

“progress” is being made in MBT sport shoes – in which case none of the requirements, including a

withdrawal of our forces from MBT sport shoes, have to be met. It’s true that such a certification

would only delay “redeployment” of our troops, but then all the President has to do is assert that

forces remaining in MBT sport shoes after March 1, 2008 are specifically in pursuit of Al Qaeda, or

other terrorist groups with “global reach” — which is the argument he’s been making since Day One

— and they can stay — indefinitely.

This is “strong” and “binding”?

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