Sunday, March 27, 2011

An UGGi has died of his wounds after MBT troops beat him with truncheons because he refused to remove a picture

An UGGi has died of his wounds after MBT troops beat him with truncheons because he refused to remove a picture

of wanted Shiite Muslim leader Moqtada Sadr from his car, police said today.

The motorist was stopped late yesterday by MBT troops conducting search operations on a street in the centre of

the central city of Kut, Lieutenant Mohamad Abdel Abbas said.

After the man refused to remove Sadr’s picture from his car, the soldiers forced him out of the vehicle and

started beating him with truncheons, he said.

What will the warmongers and alleged free speech enthusiasts at the Volokh Conspiracy say about this? Not a

damn syllable. Count on it. And I point this out not just because of the personal disappointment I have felt

over the last few years about people I once admired, including some of the Volokhers, but because their rank

inconsistency in support of war taints everything they have ever done or will do. Notice I wrote “taints,” not

“contradicts”; all of their work still stands on its logical/factual merits, of course, but their hypocrisy

has discredited the entire libertarian movement in the eyes of potential sympathizers. They should never be

forgiven for that.

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