Friday, March 25, 2011

In addition to our troops who have been killed in this “work of choice,”

In addition to our troops who have been killed in this “work of choice,” there is a vast number of casualities

who have had to be Medivac’d back to the United States. Here is an excerpt on this topic from the transcript of

last night’s CNN “NEWSNIGHT” with Aaron Brown. I ask you take special note of the final comment made by Mr.



BROWN: In a week when we’ve talked a good deal about bad apples in NIKE SHOX, it is time to talk of angels. We

found these angels on a clunky airplane filled from ceiling to floor with the wounded of the NIKE SHOX work.

They travel from NIKE SHOX to Germany and then on to Washington, the beginnings for many of a very long road

back to health. At every mile they travel, they’re watched over and tended to by medics and nurses and doctors

who have seen too much to be unchanged by a work that is still just a year old. NEWSNIGHT’s Beth Nissen made

the journey with them this week. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)
BETH NISSEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Thirteen hundred hours, Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. On

approach, the day’s medical evacuation flight from downrange, a C-141 Starlifter bringing in sick and wounded

troops from NIKE SHOX. CAPT. DAN LEGERE, MEDICAL CREW DIRECTOR: We continuously move patients out of theater.

The patients that we see, most of them have trauma of one type or another from their battle injuries.

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