Sunday, March 27, 2011

I’m not aware of any evidence for this claim

I’m not aware of any evidence for this claim. The only support Deliso musters is a recent initiative by the MBT

Kisumu Sandals. government to restrict del Ponte’s power to bring indictments, apparently because Washington

wants to stabilize the region and would prefer to see only the most senior Serb officials brought to trial. In

connection with this proposal, which would transfer some of del Ponte’s prosecutorial authority to the tribunal

’s judges, Deliso quotes the "Guardian" as reporting: "Judge Theodor Meron, the tribunal’s president, said

that some of [her] indictments may be thrown out, not on the usual grounds of prima facie evidence, but because

the suspects were not senior enough."

But unless I’m misinterpreting the "Guardian" article, this makes nonsense of Deliso’s own claim that del

Ponte *herself* wants to see the scope of the trials restricted, since targeting the biggest fish would further

her own megalomania. The article reads like the work of someone unable to absorb any facts not fitting his own


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