Monday, March 21, 2011

Hey, what’s the moon in? The reason I ask is because I actually agree with something written by Jonah Goldberg!

Hey, what’s the moon in? The reason I ask is because I actually agree with something written by Jonah Goldberg!:

“[Woodrow] Wilson, by my lights, was the worst president of the 20th century and did more damage to that century than any other American statesman. Much of the damage he caused wasn’t deliberate, but a great deal of it stemmed from his idealism and his arrogance. He got us into an idiotic war for high-fallutin’ reasons and his incompetence in handling the aftermath created a parade of horribles we are still reviewing as it passes us by (He also laid the groundwork for the Welfare State, the National Security State, and the Corporatist State but that’s a topic for another time).”

What? A neocon opposing a war? I know I’m going to wake up soon, and realize it was all a dream …

How Goldberg reconciles his anti-Wilsonian sentiments with his support of our very own Wilson-in-cowboy-boots is not known to us in the reality-based community. But our scientists are working on it.

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