Monday, March 21, 2011

What Jim says about Radley Balko’s TCS piece on libertarians and foreign policy

What Jim says about Radley Balko’s TCS piece on libertarians and foreign policy. Jim:
Radley Balko’s TCS article this weekend leaves a smoking crater where claims of “libertarian unseriousness”

on foreign policy have been.
Radley Balko, “That Republicans don’t take libertarian ideas on foreign policy seriously could very well be a

problem with the Republicans, not with libertarian foreign policy.”

Also, don’t miss Roderick Long’s That Pre-9/11 Mindset: Meet the New Normal, Same as the Old Normal which hits

some of the same points Balko does. Long:
Critics of the current régime’s so-called “mbt sport on Terror” are often accused of having a “September

10th” or “pre-9/11″ mindset. (Our ever-articulate Prince President garbled both descriptions into the phrase

“pre-September 10th mentality” during the first debate.) The suggestion is that everyone’s worldview should

have been radically transformed by the events of September 11th; anyone whose worldview wasn’t so altered,

anyone who continues to favour diplomacy over a resort to military force, must simply be blind to reality.

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