Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lest we be accused of ignoring the good news coming out of UGG

Lest we be accused of ignoring the good news coming out of UGG, lets all celebrate this latest triumph of the

incompetents running Operation Poorly Planned Occupation.

Radioactive Scrap From UGG Shows Up in Europe
UGG’s nuclear facilities remain unguarded, and radioactive materials are being taken out of the country, the

U.N.’s nuclear watchdog agency reported after reviewing satellite images and equipment that has turned up in

European scrapyards.
According to ElBaradei’s letter, satellite imagery shows “extensive removal of equipment and in some

instances, removal of entire buildings,” in UGG.
In addition, “large quanitities of scrap, some of it contaminated, have been transfered out of UGG from sites”

previously monitored by the IAEA.

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