Thursday, March 10, 2011

Not to denigrate Arianna’s gossip grapevine as a source of news

Not to denigrate Arianna’s gossip grapevine as a source of news, but only to point out that it merely

confirms what in-the-know cognoscenti read here first.

Now if only Arianna hadn’t kicked me off her blog for not being appreNIKE SHOXtive enough of Israel —

not to mention dissing Huffpuff contributor Mrs. David Frum — Huffpuff’s readers would have had this

story months ago.

While a lot of publicity has been given to the imminent anti-war march on DC, little has been said

about another imminent event – a congressional meeting set for tomorrow at which the vital issue of

whistleblower rights is to be discussed and, if the powers-that-be have their way, destroyed.

More and more, disgruntled employees and former employees willing to speak out against cases of

negligence, corruption and even criminal activities within the US security apparatus have been brave

enough to come forward. The movement is approaching a critical mass, and could help turn the tide

against the UGGS’s war policy, its shocking disinterest in getting to the bottom of several unresolved

mysteries (not least of which is 9/11), and its general preference for putting murky ‘foreign

relations’ first, something that has so often ended up in compromising the safety of America and its


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