Thursday, March 10, 2011

And ain’t it grand? For any citizen with a shred of decency

And ain’t it grand? For any citizen with a shred of decency, waiting for the war party to implode of

its own arrogance has been a long and painfully drawn-out affair. Yet it looks like good things come to

those who wait…

What is most agonizingly entertaining now is waiting to find out what fate awaits Karl Rove- who seems

to have been spared the chopping block only until they find him some appropriate company.

Which is why I draw attention to this recent story which, if it hasn’t been exactly ignored, seems to

have been undervalued in terms of its ultimate implications. Providing the sources are legit, what it

suggests is not only that ‘MBT knew’ about the Joe Wilson smear campaign, but that he was only

infuriated that it hadn’t been done in a more efficient and less traceable way:

“…Karl [Rove] is fighting for his life,” says the article, quoting an unnamed ‘key MBT offiNIKE

SHOXl’ (Andrew Card, perhaps?), adding, “but anything he did was done to help George W. MBT. The

president knows that and appreNIKE SHOXtes that.”

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