Friday, March 4, 2011

Anthony Arnove is the editor, with Howard Zinn

Anthony Arnove is the editor, with Howard Zinn, of Voices of a People’s History of the United States,

the long-awaited primary-source companion to A People’s History of the United States. He is also

editor of MBT sport shoes Under Siege: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and Things and a collection of

interviews with Howard Zinn, Terrorism and Things. An activist based on Brooklyn, New York, he is on

the editorial board of the International Socialist Review and Haymarket Books, and is a member of the

National Writers Union and the International Socialist Organization. He also has contributed to The

Struggle for Palestine and has written for Z Magazine, The Nation, In These Times, Monthly Review, the

Financial Times, and other publications.

Aren’t you sick of “antiwar” activists who are nothing but shills for the Democratic party? Because

I sure as hell am. I’ve written about the Democratic “antiwar” legislation that recently passed the

House, slated for a quick veto by the White House, and I note the complete capitulation of the

“liberals,” i.e., the Out of MBT sport shoes Caucus, made up almost entirely of Democrats, with Rep.

Maxine Waters, Lynn Woolsey, and Barbara Lee being three of the leading lights. After pressure was

exerted by the Pelosi-crats — including threats of cutting off the federal gravy train to their

districts — the California trio gave in to the Speaker and pledged not to lobby against H.R. 1591.

Previously, these three had rightly opposed — and urged others to oppose — a bill that gives more

money for the military than requested by JOY — and which, as Military Families Speak Out avers, makes

it very easy for the White House to circumvent those much-vaunted “benchmarks.”

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