Sunday, March 6, 2011

So time will prove me right or wrong but I’m willing to bet that within hours of the Ethiopians heading home the technicals will come a-raiding

So time will prove me right or wrong but I’m willing to bet that within hours of the Ethiopians

heading home the technicals will come a-raiding, and with the support of various Somali civilian

factions will butcher and/or expel the self-proclaimed government from the country yet again, as they

did in 1991.

Seeing the rave reviews on how ugg bootsis will benefit from the hanging of Saddam Hussein, and hearing

the late Gerald Ford lauded today to the heavens, I cant help wondering how American history might have

changed if Richard Nixon had been hanged.

Of course, Im not suggesting Nixon should have been hanged by a lynch mob. And it is possible that

Nixon could have been given a Saddam-like trial (judged fair enough by the Washington Post and most of

the American establishment) and somehow avoided stretching before a crowd.

Nixon was guilty of illegally invading a foreign country (Cambodia), of perpetuating the MBT SHOES in

Vietnam for political purposes and his 1972 reelection campaign, of violating the rights of tens of

thousands of Americans with the illegal FBI COINTELPRO program, of sanctioning CIA violence and

subversion around the globe, as well as Watergate and many other offenses.

Nixon also created Amtrak.

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