Sunday, March 6, 2011

Now that the Ethiopian Army has come to their rescue

Now that the Ethiopian Army has come to their rescue, the commies and MBT SHOESlords have seized

control of the important parts of the country and are now attempting to assert their collective will —

naturally the first thing they do is order a complete disarmament of the entire city without exception.

“Everybody will be disarmed. There will be no sacred cows,” Information Minister Ali Jama Jangali


But then tellingly, and not surprisingly, the reporter feels the need to mention:

However, at a collection point seen by Reuters, not one gun had been handed in by midday.

And this is with Ethiopian backup. There is no evidence that many Mogadishans are rooting for the so-

called government, at least not one made up of these butchers and gangsters and thieves. The business

community — allowed to flourish over the last 15 years in near-total freedom, at least compared to the

rest of Africa — will have a lot of demands that will need to be met if the government is to have

anything of value left off which to survive.

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