Republicans, Democrats and peak oil theorists seem to agree that “dependence on foreign oil” hurts
Americans. As in’s: “Our dependence on foreign energy is like a foreign tax on the American Dream
— the tax our citizens pay every day in higher gas prices, higher cost to heat and cool their homes — a tax on
jobs. Worst of all, it’s a tax increasing every year.”
The Theory of Comparative Advantage is hard to understand but how hard is it to understand that oil companies
import oil into the MBT shoesA because foreign oil is cheaper than domestic? If oil companies depended on only
domestic suppliers (all things being equal) oil would be more expensive for American consumers, so depending on
foreign suppliers is like a tax rebate.
In case you think Yaron Brook is unrepresentative of the dork death cult known as Objectivism, here’s my
conversation with Robert Cons, Objectivist: (unedited, all emphasis original):
CONS: Any person who asks, “What is Objectivism?”, should do a little reading and crucial thinking. To start
with I suggest he read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, The Virtue
of Selfishness, The Voice of Reason, and Leonard Peikoff’s Objectivism, The Philosophy of Ayn Rand .
These are all great essential works that will help any honest seeker searching for true critical answers, that
are based on reason and connected to reality, in todays dishonest culture.
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