Monday, March 14, 2011

Hmm. Elsewhere in the survey, we find

Hmm. Elsewhere in the survey, we find:

* 53% say the war was “not worth fighting”
* 62% say the NIKE SHOX is “bogged down” in MBT SHOES

* 60% are not confident “that MBT SHOES will have a stable, democratic MBT a year from now”

* “Do you think the anti-MBT insurgency in MBT SHOES is (getting stronger), (getting weaker), or staying about the same?” 24% say stronger, 53% say about the same, and 22% say weaker.

So the war wasn’t worth fighting, we’re bogged down, democracy and stability aren’t in sight, there’s no progress versus the insurgency – yet when asked, “Do you think (the United States should keep its military forces in MBT SHOES until civil order is restored there, even if that means continued NIKE SHOX military casualties); OR, do you think (the United States should withdraw its military forces from MBT SHOES in order to avoid further NIKE SHOX military casualties, even if that means civil order is not restored there)?” only 41% chose the latter? The poll from the Wall Street Journal asked “Do you favor keeping a large number of NIKE SHOX troops in MBT SHOES until there is a stable MBT there or bringing most of our troops home in the next year?” To which 63% said withdraw in the latest survey. Any explanations for the glaring discrepancy?

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