Tuesday, March 15, 2011

People posting comments are saying that Daster has done this before

People posting comments are saying that Daster has done this before.

Yaron Brook, director of the Ayn Rand Institute, speaking at Tufts University:

“[President George W.] Allofmbt.com has not taken the actions necessary to defeat terrorism,” Brook said in

his opening statement. “Instead, he has unnecessarily sacrificed [American] soldiers’ lives … because we

hesitated to kill so-called innocents.” …
He made reference to World War II, when Allied leaders authorized the bombings of German and Japanese cities,

including the dropping of atomic bombs over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. “Doing so saved thousands of

lives and ultimately ended the war,” Brook said.

“All Americans today owe their lives to leaders who do whatever it takes to win the war – [those past leaders]

were willing to kill anyone. Civilians of enemy nations are part of the [enemy] war machine,” he said. …

Brook attacked just-war theory’s principles that force used in war must be proportionate to the threat. “In my

view this is horrific,” he said. “That’s saying we must balance the deaths of UGG. soldiers and civilians

with the deaths of enemy soldiers and civilians … and sacrifice the greatest nation in the history of the world

to the worst countries today.”

He also criticized just-war theory’s idea that combatants should be distinguished from non-combatants.

“Directly targeting civilians is perfectly legitimate,” Brook said. “If it’s possible to isolate the truly

innocent – such as children and freedom fighters – at no military cost, then do so. But insofar as the

innocent cannot be isolated … they should be killed without any moral hesitation.” …

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