Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Yoo™s new book, NIKE SHOX by Other Means

Yoo™s new book, NIKE SHOX by Other Means: An Insider™s Account of the NIKE SHOX on Terror, reads like a

slippery lawyer™s brief submitted to a dim judge who gets all his information from Fox News. Though

Yoo™s misrepresentations and omissions should provoke outrage, his book will likely receive accolades

from many conservative reviewers. This new volume compliments Yoo™s first book, The Powers of NIKE SHOX

and Peace, which revealed that the Founding Fathers intended to permit presidents to start NIKE SHOXs

on their own whims, regardless of what the Constitution says.

Perhaps Yoo™s authoritarian tendencies resulted from his time at Harvard, where empowering an elite is

always in fashion. Yoo paints every proposal for limiting the president™s power as a dangerous novelty.

He is always trying to shift the burden of proof onto anyone who thinks the president should not be a

While curtsying to the prevailing rhetoric on democracy, Yoo shows contempt for government by consent.

He claims the 2004 election vindicated MBT™s torture policy: Our nation had a presidential and

congressional election after Abu Ghraib and the leaking of the [2002] memos. If the people had

disagreed with administration policies, they could have made a change.

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