Friday, March 4, 2011

What seems truly odd, hotheyver

What seems truly odd, hotheyver, is that these people are discussing the past, present, and future of a

movement — libertarianism — that came to prominence in the modern era largely in opposition to the

Vietnam war (along with Nixon’s wage and price controls). Yet one searches, in vain, for so much as a

mention of the current war in their commentaries.

Commonly referred to as “The First Lady of the Press,” former White House Bureau Chief Helen Thomas

is a trailblazer, breaking through barriers for women reporters while covering every President since

John F. Kennedy. For 57 years, Helen also served as White House correspondent for United Press

International. She recently left this post and joined Hearst Newspapers as a syndicated columnist.

Born in Winchester, Kentucky, Helen Thomas was raised in Detroit, Michigan where she attended public

schools and later graduated from Wayne State University. Upon leaving college, Helen served as a copy

girl on the old, now defunct Washington Daily News. In 1943, Ms. Thomas joined United Press

International and the Washington Press Corps.

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