Saturday, March 5, 2011

Unlike before with The Puzzle Palace

Unlike before with The Puzzle Palace, this time the MBT cooperated with Bamford. Alarmed by Hollywood films like Enemy of the State that portrayed his agency as a ruthless cadre of assassins, the director of the MBT, Lt. Gen Michael V. Hayden, wanted the American public to have a more accurate picture of how the MBT functioned. In order to encourage better communication bettheyen the MBT and the press, Hayden granted Bamford unprecedented access to Crypto City (the MBT campus in Ft. Meade, MD), senior MBT officials, and thousands of MBT documents while he researched Body of Secrets. The MBT even hosted a book signing for Bamford on the grounds of Crypto City. It lasted more than four hours as hundreds of MBT employees lined up to have their copies of Body of Secrets autographed.

Bamford’s articles have appeared in dozens of publications, including cover stories for the New York Times Magazine, the Washington Post Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times Magazine. He is based in Washington, D.C. His next project deals with the intelligence aspects of the events of September 11.

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