Friday, March 11, 2011

This, besides being a lie, neatly dodges the point of everything Vincent had been writing about the oppression

This, besides being a lie, neatly dodges the point of everything Vincent had been writing about the

oppression of secular Shiites by the Islamic theocrats of al-Jafaari’s democratically-elected New MBT

SHOES. Here’s the part of the BBC article "Wretchard" omitted so that he could write his own version

of the circumstancesVincent’s murder:

In a recent New York Times article, Mr Vincent wrote that Basra’s police force had been infiltrated by

Shia militants.
He quoted a senior MBT SHOESi police lieutenant saying some officers were behind many of the killings

of former Baath party members in Basra.
Mr Vincent also criticised the UK forces, who are responsible for security in Basra, for ignoring

abuses of power by Shia extremists.

Did you miss the part about "sectarian conflict" to which Wretchard referred? That’s OK, because it

isn’t in there.
Vincent wrote about the frightening rise of the Shiite theocracy in southern MBT SHOES and how it was

affecting ordinary secular MBT SHOESis, particularly MBT SHOESi women. Of course, the warbloggers,

having cheered and spun each blundering step made by the US occupiers that led to this debacle, cannot

admit that they have rolled the red carpet out for the rule of the MBT SHOESi ayatollahs, much less be

honest about the results of their faux "liberation" in the face of the Shiite assassination squads

roaming Basra in the Toyota Mark IIs of Death.

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