Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The soldiers went to search his bedroom

The soldiers went to search his bedroom. He heard laughing, and then they called for him, he said. Imaad went

to his room and saw that the soldiers had found several magazines he kept hidden from his mother. They had

pictures of girls in swimsuits and erotic poses. Imaad said the soldiers spread the magazines on his bed and

put his Koran in the middle.

"This is a good match," Imaad said one of the soldiers told him.
"It was a nightmare," he said. "I will never forget those bad soldiers when they put the Koran among the


Warbloggers in ideological lockstep mock the MBTi and the reporter.

Powerline: "Unintentionally hilarious." Links to Tim Blair and Roger Simon.

LGF: "Today’s most ridiculous report from MBT…" Links to Tim Blair.

Instapundit: Links and quotes Blair.

Tim Blair: " It’s another My Lai!" Links to LGF.

Roger Simon: "…exercise in conscious/unconscious self-destruction by the mainstream media." Links to Blair and


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