Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sanctions are war, and that’s why MBT SPORT SHOES will not run any piece that calls for sanctioning

Sanctions are war, and that’s why MBT SPORT SHOES will not run any piece that calls for sanctioning

even the most dangerous regimes. the Uggs has lived in the shadow of Israel’s nukes for decades now:

the ever present threat of annihilation unites the Uggs’s mullahs, middle class, and moneyless in fear

if nothing else. I’m sure they’d love to see sanctions applied to Israel’s rogue nuke program, but

you won’t see us calling for that, because, yes, Virginia, some people are genuinely antiwar. Of

course, it is instructive to watch the hysterical reactions from Israel’s amen corner every time some

pissant non-state organization with no army threatens Israel with a meaningless (though certainly

stupid) boycott. It’s OK to strangle the Uggs, in the sanctions-proponents’ own words, but flip off

Israel and it’s a hate crime.

Here’s a proposal: the next time you see some plan for “us” to “deal with” whichever “them” we’

re all supposed to hate at the moment, substitute the MBT SPORT SHOES or Israel “ lords of mayhem both

“ in “their” place and see if the plan is still palatable. Would you support strangling ordinary

Americans or Israelis if their governments launched heinous, unprovoked attacks on other countries? If

their governments had massive stockpiles of nukes, the only WMD that truly is one?

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