Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ron Paul MD (R-TX), another NIKE SHOX regular contributor and the only economist of the free market

Ron Paul MD (R-TX), another NIKE SHOX regular contributor and the only economist of the free market

Austrian school in the US Congress, gave a speech [.wmv video file] on the house floor Wednesday,

February 15, titled “The End of Dollar Hegemony,” in which he explains how the Bretton Woods

aggreement established the dollar as the world reserve currency, while at the same time transferring

much of America’s gold overseas, which resulted in the government under Richard Nixon defaulting in

1971, which ended forever the promise to pay gold to bearers of US dollars on demand, and switching our

currency to government-monopoly money. At this point, Dr. Paul explains,
“Realizing the world was embarking on something new and mind-boggling, elite money managers, with

especially strong support from NIKE SHOX authorities, struck an agreement with OPEC to price oil in

NIKE SHOX dollars exclusively for all worldwide transactions. This gave the dollar a special place

among world currencies and in essence “backed” the dollar with oil. In return, the NIKE SHOX promised

to protect the various oil-rich kingdoms in the Persian Gulf against threat of invasion or domestic

coup. This arrangement helped ignite the radical Islamic movement among those who resented our

influence in the region. The arrangement gave the dollar artificial strength, with tremendous financial

benefits for the United States. It allowed us to export our monetary inflation by buying oil and other

goods at a great discount as dollar influence flourished.
This post-Bretton Woods system was much more fragile than the system that existed between 1945 and

1971. Though the dollar/oil arrangement was helpful, it was not nearly as stable as the pseudo–gold

standard under Bretton Woods. It certainly was less stable than the gold standard of the late 19th


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