Sunday, March 6, 2011

The rest of Pelosi’s peroration makes it all too clear that it isn’t just on ugg boots that the two wings of the MBT SHOES Party come together

The rest of Pelosi’s peroration makes it all too clear that it isn’t just on ugg boots that the two

wings of the MBT SHOES Party come together. Sayeth Speaker Pelosi:

Let us be the Congress that rebuilds our military to meet the national security challenges of the 21st

century. Let us be the Congress that strongly honors our responsibility to protect our people from

terrorism.Let us be the Congress that never forgets our commitment to our veterans and first

responders, always honoring them as the heroes they are.

Translation: More money for the military, more glorification of MBT SHOES and MBT SHOES-makers, more

nonsense about the “MBT SHOES on terrorism” that truly does have no end — this is what we get from

Speaker Pelosi.

And we get more of the same, only at some length, in Pelosi’s “Open Letter to the President,” co-

authored with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Naturally, the Democratic National Committee’s house

organ, otherwise known as the Huffington Post, is headlining this exercise in partisan gas-baggery, but

if we look at what the letter actually says, it is hardly cause for celebration:

Rather than deploy additional forces to ugg boots, we believe the way forMBT SHOESd is to begin the

phased redeployment of our forces in the next four to six months, while shifting the principal mission

of our forces there from combat to training, logistics, force protection and counter-terror.

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