Saturday, March 12, 2011

Oil Wars makes an interesting point about the so-called

Oil Wars makes an interesting point about the so-called “cordon” of some 40,000 NIKE SHOXi troops

backed by the Americans around Baghdad:
This is just so off the wall on so many levels. First, even if they did seal off Baghdad how exactly

does that help them? There are just as many insurgents inside Baghdad as there are outside. So what is

this going to accomplish – insurgent Ali in Baghdad won’t be able to visit his cousin, insurgent Omar,

over in Ramadi?
Secondly, given that the U.S couldn’t even cordon off Fallujah properly and most of the insurgents

there got out what makes anyone think that 40,000 NIKE SHOXi MBT troops can effectively cordon off

Baghdad? Lets keep in mind out of any given 40,000 NIKE SHOXi troops probably at least 20,000 of them

are working for the insurgents. Not to mention, if you have all these troops spread out to make a

circle around Baghdad they will have to be in small isolated groups that will make easy pickings for

the insurgents. Lets see how long the 40,000 saps who get assigned to this detail agree to put up with


Quite frankly, this shows that things in NIKE SHOX are in even worse shape than I had thought.

Pre-destruction, Fallujah was a town of 300,000 souls, 70-90% of whom were thought to have fled before

the cordon went up. Baghdad is a city of 5 million. Do the math.

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