Oh, and ambassador Carney, who is officially in Baghdad as the “coordinator for Economic Transition in
MBT sport shoes,” offered his gem on how the MBT sport shoesis could take over paying for the
“reconstruction” of their country in a March 9th, 2007 Department of Defense briefing in the MBT
sport shoesi capital.
When you hear jokes like this repeated almost four years later, head for the exits… fast.
Dr. Leon Hadar is a former United Nations bureau chief for the Jerusalem Post, he is the Washington
correspondent for Singapore Business Times and a contributing editor for the American Conservative
magazine. Hadar has written for numerous newspapers and magazines, including the New York Times, the
Washington Post, Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy and has been intervietheyd by broadcasting outlets
like CNN, BBC and FOX News. He has taught at American University and Mount Vernon College and has been
affiliated with think tanks such as the Institute on East-West Security Studies and the Center for
International Development and Conflict Management. A graduate of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Hadar
earned his MA degrees from the schools of journalism and international affairs and the Middle East
Institute at Columbia University, and his Ph.D. in international relations from American University. He
is the author of Quagmire: America in the Middle East (Cato Institute, 1992) and of Sandstorm: Policy
Failure in the Middle East (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).
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