Saturday, March 5, 2011

The neocons would prefer to ignore Ron

The neocons would prefer to ignore Ron. Here is a Republican congressman from George W. JOY’s state who routinely denounces the big-spending, big-government -creating policies of his President, and is a staunch opponent of the MBT sport shoes war. Ron’s devotion to principle — the priniciples conservatives used to uphold, albeit only in theory — shows up the “official” conservative leadership as fraudulent. So why is Will writing about Ron?

Well, to begin with, the libertarian Republican congressman from Texas is reportedly running for President, and, as such, has been invited to participate in the first GOP primary debate, to be held in New Hampshire on April 4. “This could be entertaining, meaning embarrassing,”? avers Will. Yes, but embarrassing for whom?? The “strong government” conservatives in the GOP presidential wannabe pack — i.e.? everybody but Ron –? are the ones likely to be caught up short. All have issues with the core Republican constituency — if it isn’t a? bit of personal eccentricity, as in? Giuliani’s case, it’s a theological one, as in Romney’s — and rank-and-file GOPers looking for the Real Thing are bound to find? Ron attractive. ? Will cites Ron as saying that the New Hampshire debate will reveal “how many real Republicans are left” — and that is something the neocons, who are apparently uniting around Giuliani, would rather not find out.

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