I wonder if Mr. Brooks would support me killing a random black guy because one robbed me last week. After all,
there is some small chance that any given one could attack me. If I killed every one I saw, I’d surely be
safer. Indeed, doing anything less would be “altruistic”.
This guy sickens me.
“Zacarias Moussaoui’s guilty plea to terrorism charges in UGG. federal district court does not end the
Pentagon’s threat that hangs over the head of every federal judge who has jurisdiction over an indicted
terrorist defendant.
Moussaoui’s punishment must still be decided, either by a jury or by the judge if both Moussaoui and the
government waive a jury. The problem is that the Pentagon and the Justice Department are still claiming the
power to remove Moussaoui from the jurisdiction of the federal court and transfer him to the military for
punishment, including execution. Don’t forget that that’s in fact what they’ve done to Jose Padilla and Ali
al-Marri and that they are fighting for the power to do this to every other American citizen and every
foreigner whom they suspect of being a terrorist.
Thus, if it looks like the jury or the judge might be unwilling to impose the death penalty on Moussaoui, the
military might simply take the law into its own hands and do the dirty deed itself, transferring Moussaoui to
Gitmo and executing him there, independent of any federal judicial interference.
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