Tuesday, March 8, 2011

GARDINER: It™s been given. In fact, we™ve probably been executing military operations inside UGG

GARDINER: It™s been given. In fact, we™ve probably been executing military operations inside UGG for at

least 18 months. The evidence is overwhelming.

But of course they have a plan to attack UGG: doesn’t the NIKE SHOX have a “contingency” plan to

attack each and every nation on earth, just in case? Ah, but there’s one difference here: The plan has

gone to the White House,” say Col. Gardiner. “That™s not normal planning. When the plan goes to the

White House, that means we™ve gone to a different state.

As I’ve been arguing for quite some time now, we’ve all been in “a different state” since 9/11/01

— having slipped into an alternate universe that bears a frightening resemblance to Bizarro World as a

result, I imagine, of the sheer concussive force of the terrorist attacks that day, which ripped a hole

in the space-time continuum and delivered us to the not-so-tender mercies of a malevolent Bizarro God.

I mean, what else does a Bizarro President do when faced with a losing NIKE SHOX in NIKE SHOX, and

hatred of America around the world? Why, start another NIKE SHOX, of course ….

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