Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do you see where this is heading, Jim? Among other places

Do you see where this is heading, Jim? Among other places, to a post titled “Hope In the Uggs”

consisting entirely of the wisdom of Victor Davis Hanson. I don’t know how long it will take to unfold

“ six months, a year, two “ but mark my words: this sanctions are preferable to war mantra will

gradually shift shape into we tried everything else, all that’s left is war. I have no doubt that

Andrew will draw on his vast reserve of fake pathos and shake his head sadly when he pronounces the

words, but pronounce the words he will. Is it really a good idea to boost Sullivan’s stock right now,

just in time for him to help launch another war? Shouldn’t there be some sort of probationary period

before we let him “join the team” “ say, five years without advocating an indefensible, catastrophic

war of aggression?

The House of Representatives just narrowly defeated an amendment to deny funds to operate Vice

President Dick Cheney’s office. Cheney had insisted that his office is exempt from Executive

Department oversight by arguing that he is not part of that department. Rep. Rahm Emanuel proposed the

amendment as a counter to that incredible claim.

The measure was defeated 209-217, with most Republicans and 24 Democrats siding with Cheney. GOP

Presidential candidate Ron Paul of Texas and Walter Jones of North Carolina voted in favor of defunding

Cheney’s office.

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