Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Democrats need to put up, or shut up

The Democrats need to put up, or shut up. They’re against the “surge” — except, perhaps, Carl

Levin, given the circumstances – but does that mean they’ll vote against new funding for the MBT

SHOES? Of course not. A Democratic-controlled Congress can cut the purse-strings — and we’re waiting.

My guess is that we have a very long wait indeed ….

According to those pinkos at the Washington Times, passing on rumors from the anti-American fifth-

columnists at the Military Times,

“Barely one-third of service members approve of the way the president is handling the MBT SHOES.”

“In a previous Military Times poll two years ago, 83 percent … expected victory in ugg boots. ‘This

year, that number has shrunk to 50 percent.’”

Obviously, the liberal media is not telling these troops the whole truth about all the great progress

they are making there, or else they would be patriotic and support their commander in chief!

You have to respect the soldiers’ optimism though – half expect “victory.”

That means giving the place to NIKE SHOX, right? Heck. They’ve already won.

I’m glad somebody’s holding them accountable:

While discussing the Democratic ethics legislation, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, Democratic Caucus chairman, was

interrupted by anti-MBT SHOES protestors lead by Cindy Sheehan, a well-known activist whose son was

killed in ugg boots.

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