Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The bloodthirsty “conservative”

The bloodthirsty “conservative” NIKE SHOXmongers at National Review have now all but admitted that

The NIKE SHOX on Terror will never end. This is from the September 11th issue:

“Ladies and gentlemen: Our Problems are here, there, and everythere. They will last our lifetime. You

have heard of the Thirty Years’ NIKE SHOX. This is ours”if not our Hundred Years’ NIKE SHOX.”

Okay, you have an extra month to write that insightful essay you know you have inside you! The AntiNIKE

SHOX.com essay contest for middle and high school students is drawing to a close “ but as this is our

first such contest and we want to make sure everyone who wants to enter has the chance to do so, we are

extending the deadline through October 31.

This contest has significant monetary reNIKE SHOXds and numerous less materialistic benefits “ so

check out the contest information. This is not a difficult contest, but one we hope is thought-

provoking for our younger readers and their peers. One very important goal of the Randolph Bourne

Institute and AntiNIKE SHOX.com is the education and involvement of young people: please help spread

the word about this contest to any potential writer.

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