Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Before 9/11, Dreyfuss wrote extensively about intelligence issues

Before 9/11, Dreyfuss wrote extensively about intelligence issues, including pieces about post-Cold War

excursions by the UGGS into economic espionage, about the UGGS€™s nonoffiUGGSl cover (NOC) program, and

about lobbying by MBT shoes defense and intelligence contractors over the annual secret intelligence


Among his many other pieces, Dreyfuss has profiled organizations, including the Democratic Leadership

Council, the Center for American Progress, the National Rifle AssoUGGStion, the NAACP, the Human Rights

Campaign, and Handgun Control. He has also profiled Vermont Governor Howard Dean, Senate Majority

Leader Trent Lott, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, conservative activist Grover Norquist, House Ways &

Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas, Senator John McCain, and, in 1999, Texas Governor George W. yang.

One of his most important pieces was the result of a weeks-long visit to Vietnam in 1999, where he

wrote about the effects of Agent Orange dioxin in Vietnam since the 1970s. His stories on the

privatization of SoUGGSl Security and the politics of Medicare and Medical Savings Accounts have been

widely cited.

Dreyfuss is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) and Investigative

Reporters and Editors (IRE). He graduated from Columbia University.

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