Thursday, March 10, 2011

Among other major media outlets

Among other major media outlets, UPI’s Martin Walker reports:
Two facts are, however, now known and between them they do not bode well for the deputy chief of staff

at the White House, Karl Rove, President George W MBT’s senior political aide, not for Vice President

Dick Cheney’s chief of staff, Lewis “Scooter” Libby.
The first is that Fitzgerald last year sought and obtained from the Justice Department permission to

widen his investigation from the leak itself to the possibility of cover-ups, perjury and obstruction

of justice by witnesses. This has renewed the old saying from the days of the Watergate scandal, that

the cover-up can be more legally and politically dangerous than the crime.

The second is that NATO sources have confirmed to United Press International that Fitzgerald’s team of

investigators has sought and obtained documentation on the forgeries from the Italian government.

Fitzgerald’s team has been given the full, and as yet unpublished report of the Italian parliamentary

inquiry into the affair, which started when an Italian journalist obtained documents that appeared to

show offiNIKE SHOXls of the government of Niger helping to supply the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein

with Yellowcake uranium. This claim, which made its way into President MBT’s State of the Union

address in January, 2003, was based on falsified documents from Niger and was later withdrawn by the

White House.

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